2021/22 Images

PDI League Competition Rounds

The PDI League comprises four open rounds where members may enter images of any type and four set subject rounds which have a specific theme.

The final league table positions are now available in the Members Area

PDI Round 1Open23rd September45 EntriesHi Soring Images
PDI Round 2“Roads and Paths”7th October34 EntriesHi Scoring Images
PDI Round 3“In the Kitchen”7th October24 EntriesHi Scoring Images
PDI Round 4Open11th November48 EntriesHi Scoring Images
PDI Round 5Open 27th January39 EntriesHi Scoring Images
PDI Round 6“High or Low Key”10th February27 EntriesHi Scoring Images
PDI Round 7“Square Format Album Cover”10th February19 EntriesHi Scoring Images
PDI Round 8Open10th March40 EntriesHi Scoring Images
Updated 11th April
Print League Competition Rounds

The Print League comprises four open rounds where members may enter images of any type and four set subject rounds which have a specific theme.

The final league table positions are now available in the Members Area

Print Round 1Open28th October36 EntriesHi Scoring Images
Print Round 2“Curves”9th December17 EntriesHi Scoring Images
Print Round 3“Three”9th December19 EntriesHi Scoring Images
Print Round 4Open24th February27 EntriesHi Scoring Images
Print Round 5“Close Up”31st March13 EntriesHi Scoring Images
Print Round 6“Symmetry”31st March14 EntriesHi Scoring Images
Print Round 7Open7th April33 EntriesHi Scoring Images
Print Round 8Open5th May25 EntriesHi Scoring Images
Updated 5th May
Trophy Competitions

In addition to the Print and PDI League competitions the clubs holds a number of single event competitions for specific trophies.

Nature CupPDI13th January25 EntriesWinning Images
Triptych CupPDI13th January27 EntriesWinning Images
Landscape CupPDI21st April24 EntriesWinning Images
Portrait CupPDI21st April22 EntriesWinning Images
PDI of the YearPDI12th May68 EntriesWinning Images
Colour Print of the YearPrint26th May42 EntriesWinning Images
Mono Print of the YearPrint26th May22 EntriesWinning Images
Updated 7th June